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Tufts Monday Minute Submissions

Submission Guidelines

  • The Tufts Monday Minute email reaches Tufts faculty, staff and affiliates every Monday afternoon and accepts submissions for consideration from university community members using an email address only.
  • Examples of submissions we accept for consideration: important deadlines for faculty and staff; health and safety updates and alerts; university opportunities for employees and their families;  technology changes, maintenance, and tips; changes to policies and procedures; facilities, parking and campus transit alerts; updates related to Tufts business operations.
  • Events: We don't accept direct event submissions, but we do feature a few events each week that we find on the university's events calendar, and we encourage you to submit yours there:
  • Kudos: Each week, we congratulate Tufts employees who were mentioned in the previous month's Kudos (formerly known as People Notes) post. If you or someone on your team recently received an award, published, spoke, or celebrated a promotion, shout them out here:
  • To be considered for inclusion in the following week's email, you must submit your content by 10 a.m. on the preceding Thursday.

Questions or concerns about Monday Minute submissions? Email